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This time, in this article, we intend to introduce one of the richest sources of calcium and vitamin D, as well as the introduction of the therapeutic properties of this food, which maybe to this day, many of us have heard of its name, we will use it.

Pigeon feet contain many proteins, vitamins, minerals and vitamins that the human body can not produce. For this reason, people with problems such as calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, osteoporosis, bone softness (rhizism) in children and adults, rheumatism, bone fracture, and general structural changes in the bones, as well as muscle dysfunction Calcium and vitamin D deficiencies can be cured by the use of this nutrient, which we will continue to take on the healing properties and the way we use it.

Many nutritionists, as well as surgeons in orthopedic surgeons, often recommend the use of various soups containing pigeon legumes to their patients.

Health benefits

• Best treatment for osteoporosis

• Best treatment for rhiztitis

• Best prevention and repair of necrosis and caries of joints and cartilage

• Best prevention and treatment of deformed joints

• Best alternative for European and American cartilage pills

• Best Child and Adolescent Aid

• Best treatment for severe colds and colds

• Best source of glucosamine and condorin sulfate

• Best repair for bone fracture

• The best remedy for back pain or lumbar disc

Method of Use:

Rinse the amount of 1 package of pigeon potions after washing and washing with 3 to 4 glasses of water in a pot and add some onion after the skin to the heat and lower it underneath and for at least 4 Heat for 6 hours, with a gentle flame. After this time, put the contents of the pot into the mixer and keep it in a freezer. For consumption, it is enough to make the "Pigeon Pie Extract" prepared for a variety of soups and scones. Add and then eat.

Important Note: People with high blood lipids and cholesterol should eat some lemon juice or water juice when eating this extract.

We have foods that are effective in improving arthritis, back pain or lumbar disc. What are some of the aniseeded powder as an effective diet for atroz? What do you think?

- Anesthetic powder is effective. Ginger is also very effective. Both local and food. It is effective with food or tea. We are going to boil the pigeon feet and eat it with meat and gel. Pigeon feet are full of cartilage ingredients. Pigeon feet have chondroitin sulfate. Chondroitin sulfate is abundant in the pigeon leg. At a visit to children who are necrosed at the femur of their throat, they are damaged, I prescribe pigeon legs. We have also received a very positive result.

One case was even supposed to be an operation that we had with this pigeon leg and I did not allow her to do surgery in Tehran. Unfortunately, a businesswoman wanted to have the baby undergo surgery, which, thankfully, was treated with the same pigeon feet and the problem with her femoral caries was fixed. But my advice to my patients is to eat pigeon leg cartilage. It's now customary for American and European pills to be called "shark cartilage" at a great price. These pills do not have any miraculous qualities. Over the next few months, these expensive and expensive pills should be eaten to make or not!

Unfortunately, some families refuse to eat pigeon feet. What advice do you have for these people is to eat pigeon fat at a fraction!

- This is no longer the case. Now the pigeon feet are scarce. It simply can not be found. In the past, people were unaware of their interests. Some of the cities of Khorasan Province come from the city of Mashhad and buy pigeon legs. Pigeon feet help to repair cartilage. Unfortunately, the drug mafia in Iran imports cartilaginous American and European tablets and sell them at a great price. Pigeon feet are far more effective and useful than American and European cartilage pills. The poor worker, who can not eat meat, is beneficial for the whole pigeon breast protein. In the pigeon pen, you have blood and iron material.

Pigeon feet are also useful for preventing osteoporosis. We have advised our patients as far as we can, and we have had good results. It is also effective for atrophic stroke and exercise. Someone who does not exercise, does not exercise, and does not have mobility, it gets dry on the neck. Exercise and relaxation have the rule of thumb for the neck.

The best way to treat depression

Clean the pigeon leg and the machine (if the pigeon is better). Without boiling in water and clearing the yellow skin. Wash the pigeon feet well and cook on fire and eat. Just keep your fingernails and fingers in place. Do it several times a day. Soon and within a week, you see what magic it is. The consumption of pigeon without scaling is very effective in the treatment of depression and anxiety. This method has neither chemical nor side effects.